Why Does All-On-4® Follow Strict Protocols?


You’ve probably heard about All-On-4® dental implants, but do you know how and why this type of treatment works? Dental practice follows strict protocols to help patients experience the best results and to streamline the process throughout your healing process. This article explains why the All-On-4® dental implant procedure follows strict protocols and what they mean for you and your smile.


All on 4 Dental Implants

All-On-4® involves a team of specialists in various dental and medical fields who implant four dental implants into your jaw through a series of processes. The four implants will serve as your new foundation for a permanent smile.

Reasons Why All-On-4 Follow Strict Protocols

There are many reasons why All-On-4® follows strict protocols, and these reasons have been used to treat thousands of patients. These include:

1. Safety and Experience

Each dentist trained in All-On-4® has undergone rigorous training to master placing implants in each specific area of an individual’s mouth. Each dentist must have a mastery of placing implants precisely so that patients do not have any problems related to their surgery over time.

2. Comfort and Ease

Although there is mild discomfort associated with placing implants, most patients state that they are more than happy to undergo treatment because of how natural their new smile looks. Following strict protocols ensures patients receive consistent results that help them feel more confident about themselves.

3. Results

Some people worry that by not allowing flexibility with an individual’s treatment. There is a distinct correlation between adhering to strict protocols and positive results from surgery. When using strict protocols, it becomes clear to patients which steps need to be completed to receive optimal benefits from their treatment.

4. An Easier Road to Success

The faster and more efficient a doctor is at placing implants, the sooner their patients will be able to enjoy their new smiles. It can be a long and frustrating journey for some people to undergo treatments that do not have strict protocols. When treatment is successful, it benefits patients physically and emotionally as well.

When you need tooth replacement in Brisbane, All-on-4® can be the best option for you. You also need to ensure that you get it from experienced dentists such as Next Smile™ Brisbane. They are experts in All-on-4® dental implants. Book an appointment with them today to learn more.


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