The History of Dental Implants
Dental implants were created to provide a stable, permanent solution to replace one or more missing teeth.
A dental implant is a last-long tooth replacement option. An implant is placed in the jawbone to support the prosthetic tooth attached. The implant acts as a tooth root securing the artificial tooth. Dental implants are more comfortable than their traditional alternative dentures.
Implants are also able to support crowns, bridges and dentures.
Dental implants are made of titanium, which is biocompatible. It allows the bone to grow around the implants. The process of osseointegration enables the implant to function like a natural root.
The history of dental implants
Skulls recovered from thousands of years ago have been found to have teeth being replaced with carved stone, jade and even seashell fragments. This indicates that early civilisations recognised the need to replace missing teeth. Their implants procedure were successful, as indicated by the skulls.
The dental implants that are used today were first invented in the 1950s. The new modern was discovered by accident by an orthopaedic surgeon, Professor Brånnemark. He found that he couldn’t remove the titanium he had placed in the bone without breaking it during his research. That was the moment he discovered the unique ability of titanium to fuse with the bone.
Professor Brånnemark recognised the potential of the titanium post to support the artificial crown. The discovery would help individuals with missing teeth. The present-day dental implants were born.
The implant is designed to help people who have lost teeth and cannot function using dentures.
The first dental implant was placed in the first patient in 1965. The patient passed on in 2005 with the original dental implants securely in place.
In the 21st century, the original implants are still made in the same width but differ in length. They come in various shapes, sizes, contours and textures.
If you need a dental professional, Next Smile Ballarat have experienced dentists. Consult them for dental implants placement, All-on-4 treatment or other teeth replacement options. Their dental professionals will guide and support you every step of the way, so get in touch.
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