Can Dental Implants Fall Out?
It’s not uncommon for people to be concerned whether their dental implants are going to fall out. The truth is dental implants can fall out, but there are certain contributors which can be avoided.
It’s therefore important for you to be careful with your dental implants. If you notice something or if your dental implants start to become loose, it’s important to seek immediate dental attention.
What Can Cause Dental Implant To Fall Out?
The following are the main causes of dental implant loosening and falling out.
1. Bone Loss
Bone loss can cause severe dental implant failure. The dental implant bonds with your jawbone through a process called osseointegration. If this process does fail, then this can cause the dental implants to fall out or become loose.
Diseases such as diabetes and other gum diseases can cause bone loss, which can lead to the loosening of dental implants.
2. Gum Diseases
Various forms of gum diseases can cause the loosening and fall out of dental implants. Most gum diseases have a lot of poor oral care. The bacterias can spread through the jaw bone and this can contribute to infections which can cause loosening of dental implants.
These are the main causes of loosening and falling out of dental implants. It is also important to ensure that you take care of your dental implants and soon as they are placed, by following the recommended procedure by your dentist.
Before the dental implants can fall out completely, they start by showing some signs and symptoms. You can often notice these, so you’ll know when to call your dentist. Some of the signs of loose or falling out dental implants can include;
- Pain
- Breeding around your gums
- Bone loss
- Discoloration around the implant area
If you notice any or a combination of these symptoms, it is always important to contact your dentist so that we can evaluate your situation and recommend a viable solution.
If you are wondering about the best dentist for your dental implants, the best recommendation is Wollongong All-on-4 dental implants specialist. Next Smile™ is made up of professionals who will help you with all your dental needs. Contact Next Smile™ today for more information. You can also visit the next smile website to book an appointment.
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