Recovering From Full Oral Dental Implants Vs. An Implant For Single Tooth
Full mouth dental implants are often preferred over traditional bridges, as they give you a permanent solution to a missing tooth. However, they also involve multiple procedures in comparison to the implant for a single tooth and cost more. The recovery process from a single tooth implant is not the same as recovering from full oral dental implants. Here are some of the main differences between recovering from full mouth implants vs implants for a single tooth. Recovering From Full Dental Implants Recovery of full dental implants depends on the number of implants inserted in the jaw bone. This means that full dental recovery will take more time due to the number of dental implants. The introduction of All-on-4® has eliminated the need for multiple dental implants being inserted. During the All-on-4® procedure, only four implants are used in the lower and upper jaw. This is less invasive, and therefore, recovery will be relatively fast. Full dental implants are suitable for replac...